Friday, March 25, 2011


I am going to the Mountains.  The actual mountains, big ones, in Colorado.  I've never been, and I'm very excited.  Mostly I am excited to take a vacation--I am very fortunate to have parents who live nearby and are willing to corral/feed/bathe my wild child while I'm gone--and it is very, very good to take a break once in a while.  The Colorado part...meh.  

Let me introduce you to my significant other:  my best friend for four years before we started dating, a professional massage therapist AND bartender, very handsome, pretty much amazing at/knows a lot about everything...and is head over heels in love with snowboarding in the mountains.  He has wanted to live in CO his entire life and made sure I knew that right away when we became an item.
Myself:  his best friend for four years prior, loves massages and cocktails, interested in handsome men, has a lot of questions about everything...and is head over heels in love with HOT weather places.  Never have I ever been interested in snow, winter sports, mountains, winter clothing, or anything related.
MY kind of mountains, in Hawaii.

So, the debate has started.  Where do we move after we get married?  Texas, near my family?  California, where I love to vacay?  Phoenix, near my best friend?  Maybe.  Colorado, his dream home?  Hopefully not.  So far, I've put it to him this way:  If we move there, you'll never want to leave.  So maybe we should save it for our retirement place when we don't have small children, and we can live somewhere warm first. It usually makes for interesting conversations, sometimes involving tears.

Next week, we are attending a wedding at Loveland Pass.  Again, very excited for the vacation.  I'm also interested to see what I think of the area.  I have a really negative attitude toward it--cold all year, inconvenient driving conditions, stoned hippies wandering the streets--this trip will either confirm my fears or completely turn me around.  Hopefully the latter, since it looks like I may end up there someday whether I like it or not.


  1. Colorado is ah-may-zing. I think you will be very pleasntly surprised :) Have fun! You guys are going to Peanut's (Cory's) wedding, right??

  2. Yep, we are. I'm sure it will be a blast!
